The Enel Group Valuing CSR


The Excellence in Sustainability Club, with the support of Spain's Directorate-General of Autonomous Work, Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility and its Work and Pensions Ministry, unveiled the country's CSR strategy at Endesa's Madrid headquarters on 17 December.

The Club is the association of a group of large businesses that work towards sustainable economic, social and environmental development and in Spain is the forum that promotes and aims to spread responsible practices.

Presenting guidelines and objectives was Miguel Ángel García Martín, Director General of Autonomous Work, Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility, who outlined three areas – transparency, good governance and the example; the promotion of work; and the creation of a common framework for the whole nation. The aim is to 'involve both private and public businesses in order to create a more competitive, sustainable and inclusive society, encouraging the promotion and development of CSR in Spanish business'.

General secretary of the Excellence in Sustainability Club Juan Alfaro spoke about the latest trends in CSR. Alfaro outlined these trends 'on the basis of studies carried out by our association from which the best examples from the sector emerge, which include themes like equality, the influence of investors, communications and e-mobility'.

The day also saw the presentation of best practices linked to the strategies adopted by Endesa, Mahou San Miguel, ORANGE, Red Eléctrica de Espana and Seat.

'The city of the future will require an integrated vision that focuses on behavioural habits and the needs of the people, which go alongside development in technology,' said Iberia's Head of Sustainability Fernando Ferrando. 'Our aim is to satisfy the needs of our customers in an efficient and environmentally sustainable fashion.'

The main objective of the cycle workshops was encourage and promote CSR across the country as a factor in competition, sustainability and social cohesion, and to do so at both businesses and organisations, among entrepreneurs, freelance professionals and training centres. Madrid was the final stage of a tour of conferences promoted by the Excellence in Sustainability Club that also stopped in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Valencia and Castile and León.