Corporate vision: values ​​and objectives | Enel Group


New era. New energy

Open Power

In today’s rapidly changing world we can make a real impact in tackling the major global challenges by multiplying the benefits of our presence and opening up.

Openness is the key feature of our strategy. For this reason, we are ensuring our services reach more and more people in a growing number of countries, boosting local economies and extending access to energy.

“Open Power for a brighter future: we empower sustainable progress.” This is the approach that underpins our day-to-day commitment and that motivates all of us in the Enel team. We are Open Power to improve the future for everyone, to drive sustainable progress, to leave no one behind and to make the planet a more welcoming place for future generations. We are Open Power and our aim is to overcome some of the greatest challenges facing the world. This is to be achieved through a new approach, which combines attention to sustainability with the best in innovation.

Sustainability will not develop without continuous innovation and for us innovation is meaningless unless it is oriented towards sustainability.

And just as sustainability does not only concern the environment, innovation is not limited solely to technology.

Inspiration and innovation can come from anywhere. That's why we are constantly looking outside our company for ideas, inspiration, and know-how. We are working on modern collaboration platforms that allow everyone to contribute: a college student, an energy start-up, and a global multi-national industrial partner.

Only by rethinking the way we innovate can we truly disrupt the industry and develop technologies and solutions that have the power to shake up old markets and create entirely new ones.

Our mission

Open Power means opening energy access

This is an ambitious goal and we are pursuing it with the passion of people who want to change the world. Our mission, in detail, is as follows:

1. We are opening energy access to more people

We are expanding in order to reach more people and connect more people to safe and sustainable energy, especially in South America and Africa.

2. We are opening the world of energy to new technologies

We are pioneering the development and application of new technologies for more sustainable energy generation and distribution, in particular through renewable sources and smart grids.

3. We are opening new ways for people to manage energy

We are developing new processes that meet people’s real needs, helping them use and manage energy more efficiently, specifically through smart meters and digitalization.

4. We are opening new uses of energy

We are developing new services that use energy to respond to global challenges, with a special focus on connectivity and electric transport.

5. We are opening new partnerships

We are working with a growing network of partners in research, technology, new product development, and marketing in order to build new solutions together.

Our values

We work every day to improve the quality of life on the planet


We act with responsibility, integrity, legality and independence to create trusting relationships with our stakeholders and customers.
We openly collaborate to build self-confidence, as well as trust in others and in the company to achieve common goals, together.
We develop skills and reliable relations to ensure optimal management of complex situations.


We work with a curious mindset to discover and implement new ways to exploit energy through uses, people, and technology, as we learn from each other and establish new benchmarks.
Transforming ideas in values suitable for us and our stakeholders.


We act with an entrepreneurial spirit to take care of our company, building our future as one of the main players in the energy transition.
We seize the initiative to deliver tangible and sustainable results, without wasting energy as we focus on our customer’s needs.


We embrace change as an opportunity and we anticipate it to be ready to face new challenges in rapidly evolving scenarios.
We redefine priorities acting with strength, simplicity and swiftness.
We’re committed to constant improvement, learning from our mistakes.


We respect ourselves and others, specifically for each one’s unique traits. We responsibly follow regulations to protect and safeguard security, health, the environment and human rights.
We recognize the value of differences, ideas, opinions and merit to guarantee quality in every aspect of our work.


Sustainability, an objective that must be achieved through innovation processes, is at the heart of Enel’s Open Power strategic approach

In line with our Open Power strategic approach, Enel has placed environmental, social and economic sustainability at the center of its corporate culture and is implementing a sustainable development system that is based on the creation of shared value, both inside and outside of the company.

This strategy has prompted us to become part of the United Nations Global Compact Board with a commitment to make a tangible contribution to four of the UN's seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are: access to clean and affordable energy, the promotion of innovation, sustainable industrialization and resilient infrastructure, the creation of sustainable cities and communities, and climate action, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.

​The integration of environmental protection and biodiversity into business strategies is a key factor in Enel's business plan.

The energy transition

Complete decarbonization by 2040

We are committed to renewable energy sources, above all, hydroelectric, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and cogeneration plants. Together with our partners, we are developing technologies that respect the environment.

With respect to the decarbonization targets set out in the Paris Agreement and at COP 26, Enel will bring forward its “Net Zero” commitment by ten years, from 2050 to 2040. This is both for direct and indirect emissions, and without resorting to any offsetting measures, such as CO2 removal technologies or nature-based solutions.

What's your power?

Today we have taken another step forward, beginning with one simple question: What’s your power?

Every one of us has the potential to fulfil, an ambition, a dream. With one open question we are trying, first of all, to understand people’s personality, potential, and creativity: “What’s your power?”

Supplying electricity is just the first step. We are much more than that: from smart meters that enable customers to optimize their consumption (according to their needs) to integrated packages for street lighting and artistic lighting, from smart agriculture powered by renewable forms of energy and supported by electric vehicles and drones, to smart grids and energy management services such as demand response. Each client has their own energy system.

Maybe we are closer than you think
