Oxygen discovers the digital world


Science-fiction is becoming reality, hopes are turning into fears and, on the background, everyday life is at all times transformed by technology. The latest issue of Oxygen, the magazine that was created by Enel "to report the world's  constant evolution" is titled "Digital print – man and his machines" and investigates into the various implications that are connected with the ongoing technological evolution, which changes  the way we share and build up knowledge as well as how we work and perform current activities.  

The history of the relationship between man and technology and the new chapter that was  opened by the digital devolution are at the centre of the editorial by Riccardo Luna, a journalist and Italian digital champion, as well as of the interviews with MIT's Technology Review Director Jason Pontin and Techonomy Media Inc CEO David Kirkpatrick. Oxygen contains all-round contributions on the controversial relationship between man and his machines, facing issues, potential, risks and fears that are now being amplified by the digital revolution but have always been part of the technological advance brought forth by man with a determination that is almost equal to the uncertainty from which he  suffers  in front of his own creations.

Technological advance and the new instruments of the digital age that have invaded productive activity and everyday life are described by Oxygen through the voice of key players in different fields: from energy, with the contribution of Enel's CEO Francesco Starace, to industry and automation that is 'Made in Italy' and digital applications related to agriculture and robotics to face natural emergencies.

Oxygen describes today's world, whose previously futuristic scenarios have become ordinary and – while questioning the actual importance of gadgets and tools – cannot evolve without technology and robotics. Human health, the Earth one, industrial production, agriculture, our entertainment, energy generation and distribution, mobility are closely connected to the progress that originates from the dynamic combination  between man, his intuition and his technologies.