The Sustainability Strategy and Plan

Zero emissions ambition

At the heart of Enel's sustainable strategy is the ambition to achieve zero emissions in 2040, in line with the goal of limiting global warming below 1.5°C. Specific targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) have been defined, covering both direct emissions generated by our plants and indirect emissions produced upstream and downstream by our suppliers and customers.

Clean electrification

Electrification is the common strategic focus in the progressive decarbonization of the economy. It is a path supported by the growing development in renewable energies and the extension and digitalization of the grids, which enable them to accommodate greater volumes of energy produced from renewable sources and offer an increasingly high-quality, safe and reliable service. Moreover, electrification is also the lever through which customers can participate firsthand in the change taking place, choosing and tapping into the benefits of sustainable solutions that are affordable, innovative, flexible and digital.


The value of the relationships we establish with our stakeholders is at the core of our commitment to achieving a just transition.
To achieve sustainable progress, it is essential to always consider the needs of our stakeholders in all our activities, whether they are Enel people, our customers, the communities in which we operate, our suppliers, or the financial community. 

Growth Accelerators

Innovation, circular economy, digitalization and sustainable finance are the growth accelerators of Enel’s sustainability strategy that embrace and enhance all strategic themes crosswise. We constantly strive to find innovative solutions, to reduce the consumption of materials along the entire value chain, and to develop business models and new digital supports.


Protecting natural capital and biodiversity, tackling climate change and contributing to sustainable economic development are strategic factors in the planning, operation and development of our activities. This translates into a daily commitment to reduce and mitigate potential adverse effects on the planet that may result from the Group's various activities, for the protection of present and future generations.

Human Rights

Our commitment to respecting human rights along the entire value chain underpins our strategy to contribute to sustainable progress. We uphold sound governance, in support of the interests of all relevant stakeholders, and we promote the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety objectives.