The guide to the circular economy


Circular economy” translates into all-rounded business advantages, and a guide signed by some of the world’s leading CEO, including Enel’s Francesco Starace.

As an example of the practical, beneficial, applications of circular economic principles, the document outlines, among others, Enel’s Futur-e project, explaining how our company “is managing 23 old thermal plants in Italy as a single portfolio, and upcycling economic activity on these sites to benefit local communities, stakeholders and preserve the environment.”

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) that released the CEO Guide to the Circular Economy, is the network that brings together 200 companies that together account for 8.5 trillion USD in revenues, as well as 19 million employees across the world.

The achievement of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda could boost the global economy by generating a market value of about USD 12 trillion a year, from now to 2030, with the creation of 380 million jobs.

This is one of the results of the Business & Sustainable Development Commission reported in the "CEO Guide to the SDGs" that was presented at the 2017 Liaison Delegate Meeting at the end of March in Montreaux.

The focuses on the business opportunities that companies can seize by integrating the achievement of the SDGs.

Andrea Valcalda, Head of Sustainability at Enel, was one of the speakers participating to the Meeting.


"We illustrated that already in September 2015, at the time of the launch of the SDGs, Enel had set four of the sustainable development goals as priorities, thus making a formal commitment with quantitative targets. This vision has been further developed in the meantime through a constant alignment effort with our business, so much so that our commitment to the SDGs was among our strategic lines of action in November last year when we presented the 2017-2019 Plan to the financial community. Progress made in our commitments has been reported accordingly together with the economic and financial results of the 2016 annual report. This clearly testifies to the fact that the SDGs are now part and parcel of Enel’s industrial strategy"
Andrea Valcalda, Head of Sustainability at Enel