The leading international sustainability experts are meeting in Rome today to promote the culture of corporate responsibility through global comparison.
The Event will focus on the most significant international experiences relating to integrated reporting.

Rome, November 25th, 2010 – A discussion on transparency and corporate responsibility as well as tracing the development of sustainability reporting—this is the purpose of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Organizational Stakeholder Event, hosted by Enel for the first time in Italy and attended by some of the top international experts in the field.

"Towards a Sustainable and Transparent Economy" is the theme of the day. The event will be opened by Luigi Ferraris, Chief Financial Officer of Enel and by a video message from Mervyn King, Chairman of GRI’s Board of Directors, a professor of Corporate Citizenship at the University of South Africa and a member of the World Bank’s Advisory Group on Corporate Governance issues.
Prof. King is also Chairman of Enel's Sustainability Day, an annual event on corporate responsibility at the international level, the next edition of which will take place in Madrid on February 15th, 2011.
Other speakers include Nelmara Arbex, Deputy Chief Executive of GRI, and John Elkington, dean of corporate responsibility at the global level and creator of the “triple bottom line” approach.

“At Enel”, commented Luigi Ferraris, “we are working towards a single financial reporting document that integrates financial results and sustainability indicators to introduce our stakeholders to the overall value of the company. This year will mark the first step in this direction, through the incorporation of a section containing Sustainability Report data in our annual Group financial statements”.

The panel will address what it means to be a sustainable organization and ways to report Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. In particular, the event will focus on how to combine financial data and indicators of sustainability into a single report. Organizations from around the world are expected to attend. Case studies will be presented from some of the leading international companies most committed to the practice of integrated reporting, with histories from Novo Nordisk, a world leader in the pharmaceuticals sector, Rabobank and VanCity, a financial services provider.

During the event, the Italian version of the "Indicator Protocols” from the GRI G3 Guidelines, prepared by KPMG, will be unveiled. These Protocols will be available on the GRI website (www.globalreporting.org). The main objective in publishing this translation is to encourage more widespread adoption of the GRI Guidelines among Italian companies. The preparation of a sustainability report in accordance with the Guidelines proposed by GRI promotes the comparability, transparency and clarity of the information provided to stakeholders on social and environmental matters.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) produces the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting guidelines. Since 2006 Enel has followed GRI’s G3 Guidelines, recently using the Electric Utility Sector Supplement (EUSS), and constantly producing reports at Application Level A+. Organizational Stakeholder Events are organized periodically by GRI in various countries around the world to promote an active debate on a variety of issues relating to Corporate Social Responsibility.

The event will be streamed live at www.enelsustainabilityday.com

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