Rome, October 23rd, 2014 – As part of the plan for the reorganisation of Enel Group activities in Iberia and Latin America and in implementation of the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of Enel’s subsidiary Endesa S.A. (“Endesa”) of October 21st, 2014, Enel announces today’s completion of the sale and purchase agreement between Endesa and Enel Energy Europe S.L. (“EEE”, a company incorporated under Spanish law that is wholly-owned by Enel SpA and which in turn holds 92.06% of Endesa) regarding the acquisition by EEE of the 60.62% interest held directly and indirectly by Endesa in the Chilean company Enersis S.A. (“Enersis”), parent company for operations in Latin America. More specifically, the stakes involved in the acquisition regarded 20.30% of Enersis held directly by Endesa, and 100% of Endesa Latinoamérica S.A. (“Endesa Latinoamérica”), which in turn holds 40.32% of Enersis. The total purchase price paid by EEE for the above interests amounted to 8,252.9 million euros.

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