Rome, May 5th, 2017 – The Board of Directors of Enel S.p.A., appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 4th, 2017, met today for the first time in Rome and was chaired by Patrizia Grieco.

The Board confirmed Francesco Starace as Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the Company.

The Board also confirmed the existing division of powers, designating the Chairman Patrizia Grieco to supervise audit activities (although the head of said function continues to report hierarchically to the Board of Directors), to drive and oversee the application of corporate governance rules concerning the activities of the Board of Directors, and to maintain, in agreement and coordination with the CEO, relations with institutional bodies and authorities. In line with the previous division of powers, the CEO was granted all powers for the management of the Company, except for those otherwise assigned by applicable laws and regulations as well as the by-laws or those retained by the Board of Directors within the scope of its responsibilities.

Furthermore, the Board verified that the Directors Alfredo Antoniozzi, Alberto Bianchi, Cesare Calari, Paola Girdinio, Alberto Pera, Anna Chiara Svelto and Angelo Taraborrelli meet the independence requirements set out both in the Consolidated Financial Act and in the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies. It was also verified that the Chairman, Patrizia Grieco, meets only the independence requirements established by the Consolidated Financial Act, while the Corporate Governance Code provides that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, as a “significant representative” of the Company, cannot be deemed independent.

In conducting the assessment of the independence of its members, the Board noted that none of the aforementioned Directors has or has had in the current or in the preceding fiscal year, directly or indirectly, any significant relationship of a commercial, financial or professional nature with the companies of the Enel Group.

Finally, the Board will establish at an upcoming meeting its different internal Committees with powers to submit proposals to and advise the Board.

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For the dissemination to the public and the storage of regulated information made available to the public, Enel S.p.A. has decided to use respectively the platforms “eMarket SDIR” and “eMarket Storage”, both available at the address www.emarketstorage.com and managed by Teleborsa S.r.l. - with registered office in Rome, at 4 Piazza Priscilla - as per CONSOB authorization and resolutions n. 22517 and 22518 of November 23, 2022. 

From May 19th 2014 to June 30th 2015, Enel S.p.A. used the authorized mechanism for the storage of regulated information denominated “1Info”, available at the address www.1info.it, managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered office in Milan and authorized by Consob with resolution No. 18852 of April 9th, 2014.