Seeding Energies, Sustainability at Enel

Seeding Energies, Sustainability at Enel

Group 2016 Sustainability Report presented at the Annual General Meeting; now also available on the Seeding Energies App 


Concrete facts and data that reflect Enel’s daily commitment to environmental protection, relations with local communities, motivation of people, relationships with people, investment in innovation and the development of clean energy.

These are the key non-financial highlights for all stakeholders presented in Seeding Energies - Sustainability Report 2016 which was presented on May 4th at the Annual General Meeting of Enel’s shareholders, and now also available on the Seeding Energies App (iTunes and Play Store).

Our energies

Enel believes that sustainability and innovation go hand in hand and create value for the company and all its stakeholders, making it possible to seize new opportunities. Listening and the active involvement of all stakeholders, together with the rational use of resources, allow us to achieve synergies between economic and social progress.

It is a business model that is rooted in the creation of shared value generated by people: the communities in which we operate, the customers whose needs we heed and for whom we seek innovative solutions, as well as institutions, NGOs, the scientific community, universities and the startups that support us.

And then, our people. Namely all those who work at Enel and are at the centre of the process and the drivers of change. For this reason, we encourage an inclusive culture that supports people to express their potential, each with their own experience and culture, regardless of gender, generation and other dimensions through which diversity is expressed.

“People are our best form of energy. Energy which prospers and grows thanks to a network connecting all of us. A network enabling us to share values, ideas, professional experiences and personal passions. To generate, thanks to each person’s contribution, value for all”

– Seeding Energies - Sustainability Report 2016


The sustainable business model

Today, the value of a company is measured not only with economic results, but also in terms of environmental, social and governance performance.

A key element of this approach is the adoption of ESG sustainability indicators (i.e., Environmental, Social and Governance) over the entire value chain, not only for an ex-post assessment of results, but above all to anticipate decisions and consolidate a proactive and non-reactive approach.

“From the definition of strategic guidelines to business development, to the stage of engineering and building a plant, up to its daily operation, the way of operating has been rethought in order to add and create shared and inclusive value in the medium to long term”

– Seeding Energies - Sustainability Report 2016

A fundamental contribution to the definition of a new model of economic, social and environmental development was made by the adoption by the United Nations of the Sustainable Development Agenda and the related goals (17 goals and 169 targets), to be achieved by 2030.

“These 17 objectives are the answer to the greatest and most urgent challenges that lie before us. The SDGs - that show us the path to be followed to ensure the future success of global social and economic development - absolutely require collaboration between different sectors, geographical areas and knowledge. One of these forms of collaboration that companies should analyse and further enhance is the inextricable bond between innovation and sustainability”

– Francesco Starace, Enel CEO

Enel has already made a formal commitment to four of the 17 goals: clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), quality education (SDG 4), decent work and inclusive, sustainable and lasting economic growth (SDG 8), and decarbonisation by 2050 (SDG 13).

We were among the first companies in the world to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations in processes to define strategies and in reporting.

The approach to data is quantitative and qualitative: the indicators of the Sustainability Report are structured to reflect the plan and refer to the 17 SDGs, with the main actions and targets connected to each of these.


The next challenges: The Sustainability Plan 2017-2019

A Strategic Plan presented in November to the financial community and organised into four main pillars set out both from an industrial point of view and from an ESG (environmental, social and governance) perspective.

The sustainability pillars include: involvement and inclusion of communities, involvement and inclusion of our people, operational efficiency and innovation, decarbonisation of the energy mix which is matched by digitisation and attention to customers as drivers to promote further growth and efficiency.

Without forgetting our foundations: health and safety at work, solid governance, environmental sustainability, supply chain sustainability, and economic and financial value creation.


Seeding Energies App

The summary of the sustainability results achieved in 2016 and the Plan at 2020 were drawn up to be read in a simple and straightforward manner, and, besides the conventional paper document and browsable online version, it will be possible to read them from this year with the Seeding Energies App, free of charge and downloadable for all mobile devices.

The app provides a comprehensive and immediate view of the financial, economic, social, environmental and governance issues, integrated with the SDGs of the United Nations.