Our commitment to a just transition: leaving no one behind

At the heart of our strategy is our contribution to building a fairer and more inclusive society across the whole value chain, since we believe that our integrated business model coupled with a sustainable business conduct enables contribution to the 2030 Agenda.

In 2019, we signed the United Nations Pledge Letter on business commitment to a just transition and green, decent jobs and we have committed to:

  • promoting multi-stakeholder engagement and social dialogue with institutions, workers’ and their representatives, respecting workers’ rights, encouraging social protection (including pensions and health care), and providing wage guarantees, in line with the core and occupational health and safety standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO);
  • working with existing and new suppliers that respect these standards, supporting them to increase their resilience in a transitioning economy, while advocating and acting for diversification of the supply chain of technologies critical to net zero achievement;
  • contributing to the social and economic development of local communities, particularly so in the case of those most exposed to the transition out from fossil fuels and into green technologies;
  • supporting customers in their electrification journey while at the same time allowing for an affordable, secure and green access to energy.

We have therefore defined specific plans and lines of work for a just transition hinging on three pillars:

  1. involving internal and external stakeholders to increase their awareness about a just transition and foster a constructive dialogue that can contribute valuably;
  2. transition out of high carbon activities, supporting the vocational requalification of direct and indirect workers, developing socio-economic plans for affected communities and helping customers to quit conventional technologies;
  3. transition into green technologies, facilitating access to new job opportunities for direct and indirect workers, and the development of inclusive and accessible solutions for communities and customers.






Learn more in the "Our Commitment to a Just Transition: Leaving No One Behind" chapter of the Sustainability Report 2022