Enel Group on social media

We are present on the main social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) to share our vision of the future and our commitment to sustainability, innovation and technology.

Our mission is "Open Power", the approach we have chosen to tackle global challenges and allow people an ever faster and easier connection to the energy world. Our communication is therefore aimed at sharing values ​​with all our stakeholders.




We believe that social media channels are a space for interaction and comparison and for this reason we invite you to share your ideas and opinions.

We are committed to managing social spaces in compliance with some simple rules and through a moderation aimed at controlling the interactions that fall into the following types:

  • Inadequate language, insults and threats
  • Discrimination and offenses to individuals, legal and administrators of the page on gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origins, disability
  • Repeated attitudes of disturbance, spam, advertising
  • Injury of the main guaranteed rights of liberty and equality
  • Dissemination of sensitive data from you or others
  • Promotions of other groups or other social profiles, blogs, websites, video channels and / or to collect votes, likes, posts and similar for another social profile and / or private or third-party website

In the protection of every user and our channels, we will eliminate the contents concerning the most serious cases in order not to feed attitudes that are harmful to the pages themselves.



We remind you that our social networks have an institutional profile and are not aimed at customer assistance. However, we can redirect you to the correct channel for any request that you may have.


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